Today I received this photo of Major. Gen. (Res.) Doron Almog holding a copy of my book State Of The Heart. For those that don’t know, Major Almog is probably one of the State Of Israel’s most decorated soldiers and a true national hero.
Almog first gained renown for his role as the first Israeli commander to land during the daring rescue mission in Entebbe in 1976, and later for his participation in rescuing Ethiopian Jews in Operation Moses, amongst hundreds of other secret missions on behalf of Israel’s security. Later he went on to head Israel’s Southern Command for three years.
But Almog is also known for something else, if not much greater than his military success. After retiring from the army and motivated by his late son Eran Almog Z’l who was born with severe autism and developmental delays, he helped establish Aleh Negev– Nahalat Eran, one of Israel’s most advanced rehabilitation centers for people with severe physical and cognitive Disabilities.
The image above shows Almog standing in front of a painting in his home with three people sitting on a horse. The person in the front symbolizes Doron; the second person in the painting represents his late brother Eran who was tragically killed during the Yom Kippur War in Israel and with whom he loved riding horses with as young kids. The third person in the painting is his late son Eran, who lost his battle with Castelman’s disease in 2007 at the age of 23. Doron’s dream was to teach his son how to ride horses which unfortunately never materialized.
Doron is an amazing example of how a person responds to the needs of his family, community and surroundings and at these unique and challenging times that we are all facing worldwide, provides us with much inspiration!
Aleh today, provides high level medical and rehabilitative care to over 700 kids, from all walks of life, in its four centers throughout Israel.
I am honored to have had the opportunity to feature them in State Of The Heart!
Kudos to Dov Hirth ?